Thursday, February 07, 2008

Happy birthday Andrew

Today is Andrew's birthday. He is the big 30!

They wrapped his cubical up in plastic wrap and had pictures of him as a baby posted all around. They also got him balloons with $1 gift cards to Starbucks inside them. He had to get them out without popping them. Someone is supposed to send me pictures and then I can post them on here.

For right now I have an email I saved from his mom. This is from back in September of last year.

I have been meaning to email you all week, and I'm just now getting around to it. I went to church with Christy Sunday, since Dad is in Wales. They had about 50 in church, the majority with white hair. I was expecting the usual small church music and preaching. Well, the service started off and Jonathan Woodside and his band were leading. They did a really nice chorus that I didn't know, but they sounded great! I was SO surprised at their sound. I looked around and of course only the young ones were even trying to sing with them. Anyway, as the service went on, they did a couple of hymns , and the old people just sang right along. Even on the hymns they sounded great! I know they have gotten a lot of grief from the old people, so I was bragging on them to different people. When I got to Sunday School, Sue(Jonathan's mom) was my teacher. I told her how impressed I was with the music. She immediately turned to the Sunday School class and for the next 10 or 15 minutes talked about YOU! She told the class how you had taught Jonathan to play the guitar and how you spent hours playing with them and helping them with their sound. She told them that you had instilled a real love for leading worship into Jonathan. She talked about how you had taken his love for music and taught him to use his talent for the Lord. She just went on and on. I WAS SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! caught me off guard. I was at church that day as the "youth director's mother-in-law" and everyone was telling me how wonderful Daniel and Christy are and how much they love Hannah and Benjamin and all of a sudden - out of the blue - I was "Andrew Littleton's Mom". :-) What a GREAT thing to be!! I love you, MOM

Andrew, I am so glad God gave you a love for music. I can remember all the times when the babies were little and you would leave to go play music. I was always annoyed and wished you wouldn't go. I am so glad you went and continued to use your talent for God. What a lesson to teach your children. I hope you have many many birthdays to inspire others with your music.

Andrew is playing bass tonight and tomorrow, so it might be hard to get a hold of him to wish him happy birthday.

1 comment:

Arkansas's Swiss Family Imholz said...

Andrew has given your side of the family joy and a sense of being so proud what he has accomplished. We're thrilled we have a really great son-in-law. Thank you, Haley.
Happy birthday, Andrew!